
Useful contacts:

Childline - Provides a confidential counselling service 24 hours a day
Free phone: 0800 1111

CALM (The Campaign Against Living Miserably) - Raises awareness of suicide. Their helpline and webchat offers emotional support, advice and information to men and their families.
0800 58 58 58, inside London 0808 802 5858, 5pm to midnight everyday.

Cruse Bereavement Care - Support and practical advice for bereaved people
0844 477 9400

Mind - Provides advice and support for mental health problems
Mind info line: 0300 123 3393, Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, Text: 86463

PAPYRUS (prevention of young suicide) - Aims to prevent suicide in young people. They can offer emotional support to people under 35 who are suicidal and also support people who are concerned about a young person who might be suicidal.
0800 068 4141. Open Monday to Friday 9am – 10pm, weekends 2pm – 10pm, Text: 07786 209697

Samaritans - A safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way - about whatever's getting to you
116 123 Open 24/7 or

The Silverline - Confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK
0800 470 8090 24 hours a day


Written pieces

Molden, H. (2021) Unprecedented! The Covid 19 risk maze and what psychotherapy can offer, in Psychotherapy and Covid 19: reflections on the pandemic, March 2021 UKCP


Molden, H. & Walling, J. (2020) How did I get here? A narrative exploration of arriving at talking therapy in a neuro-rehabilitation setting, co-written by a young adult patient and her therapist, in BPS Psychotherapy Section Review, p42 Winter Vol no. 65


Feature on Outdoor Therapy by Molden. H (2020) in The New Psychotherapist, Spring 2020 p44-46

Two perspectives on the annual festival of the British Psychological Society's Community Psychology Section (2017); first from Dr Helen Molden, then Iain MacLeod.


Molden, H. (2016) Mind the gap: counselling psychology and the patient living with facial palsy within the surgical MDT setting: an NHS practitioner viewpoint, poster presented at Appearance Matters 7, for work as part of the Wessex Facial Nerve Centre, University Hospital Southampton Foundation NHS Trust.


Molden, H. (2014). A phenomenological investigation into the impact of parenthood: Giving a voice to mothers with visual impairment in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Visual Impairment32(2), 136–147.